Roundcube is the world’s leading open source webmail application. Creating a user-friendly email experience for over a decade, Roundcube has amassed millions of daily users across the globe — many of whom also happen to be dedicated cPanel customers.
While it should come as no surprise that cPanel would do anything to better the lives of our customers, we are also huge proponents of supporting the ecosystem that will form the basis for the next generation Internet. That being said, we’ve gleefully showed our support for the Roundcube “Next” project by backing it at the Deployer tier with $10,000 dollars.

Become a backer of Roundcube‘s Indiegogo campaign, or just show your support by sharing this link, and help Roundcube’s talented team of engineers and technologists build the “Next” iteration of their preeminent webmail solution.
We’re proud to support Roundcube, through their Roundcube Next fund. Supporting, and promoting, Open Source software is important to us, and the Internet as a whole.
~ Kenneth Power – Director of Product Development