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Imaxe del día
Imaxe del día
Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany. Its construction started on this day in 1869.
+/− [ast], +/− [en]
Archivu multimedia del día
Ficheru multimedia del día
An explainer video by Terra X about the persecution of alleged witches in history. Since around the 15th century, many people have been afraid of black magic. They feared supernatural powers and believed in a conspiracy of witches. (German narration with English subtitles)
+/− [ast], +/− [en]

Imáxenes destacaes

Si navegues por primer vegada pela 'Andecha de Wikimedia' ("Wikimedia Commons"), igual te prestaba entamar peles Semeyes destacaes, que la comunidá de Commons escoyó pola so calidá.


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